Is it the case that without the right tools we set ourselves up to fail before we’ve even started? If our brain is constantly telling us that we are denying ourselves the food we love, how many of us are going to be able to overcome our bad habits long-term? The solution starts with reprogramming your brain.
Are you an emotional eater?
Look at what you eat and when you eat it. Is there an emotional connection between you, food and how it makes you feel?
People can emotionally eat when they’re happy, sad, anxious or stressed as the food helps them to feel comforted and manages their feelings. But this in turn causes feelings of guilt and shame.
We also use food to reward ourselves and have often trained our minds to think “I deserve this treat because I’ve been good all week”.
This can be hard to break but if we disconnect the food from the emotion, we can change our mindset.
How I can help you to change your mindset around food
I do not offer nutritional advice, but I find when I talk to my clients that they usually know what they should be eating.
Many of them have been on various diets and know what works for them but have trouble sticking to it so they get into a pattern of yo-yo dieting.
I tell people that by thinking about what they are eating and not grabbing that quick fix they are being kind to their bodies.
Counselling such as Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) helps because it changes a person’s beliefs about food.
For example, rather than telling yourself: “I can never have just one chocolate as I eat the whole box”, RTT helps you change it to “I choose what food I put into my body”. Changing the thought, changes the behaviour.
Read Shelly’s story
Shelly has tried all sorts of diets, from fads such as juice cleanses to calorie-controlled intake of food, and has lost weight only to put it all back on again.
She came to me in November, a size 20-22, determined to lose weight gradually and sensibly so she could participate in the netball coaching she loves so much.
Over six weeks she lost a stone and she even managed to maintain this over the festive period with the help of RTT. Her goal is to lose 8st 7lbs and she is well on her way.
"By addressing the root cause of my weight loss struggles, Lynda helped me lose a stone in just 6 weeks. A wonderful start to 2020!"
If you’re struggling with weight loss and would like to see how Lynda could help then arrange your free, no-obligation, 20-minute consultation by booking online
Lynda offers face-to-face RTT sessions in Basingstoke, Hampshire as well as online RTT, which means you can work with Lynda regardless of where you are in the world.
Read more stories about how RTT has supported women to live a more fulfilling life and find out more about Lynda.