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The Role of the Subconscious

Writer's picture: Lynda CantLynda Cant

It is very natural to have a fear of the unknown. It stops many people exploring different therapies and experiences.

Part of my role as a Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT) is to make the method and the theory behind the therapy both more visible and transparent.

In this blog post, I want to explain the role of the subconscious on your behaviour, your decisions and your everyday life, and how we access deep thoughts and limiting beliefs to change your thinking.

Understanding how the mind works

Do you know how your mind actually works? Essentially, the brain reacts to experiences based on the familiar – what it has experienced before.

In simple ‘chemical’ terms, when a good thing happens the brain is flooded with the hormones dopamine and serotonin – “happy hormones”!

When something negative happens, the brain reverts to its caveman state of ‘freeze-flight-fight’ and is flooded with adrenaline and cortisol – making you feel stressed, anxious or angry.

When you think of the mind in this scientific way, making yourself feel better may seem much easier, i.e. do things that make you happy = lots of happy hormones; doing things that make you upset or sad = lots of ‘bad’ hormones.

However, I also know it is not always that simple. We can’t simply ‘flick the switch’. Furthermore, for many of us, our reaction to a situation is not fully in our conscious control and this is where the subconscious comes in to play.

What is the subconscious?

Sigmund Freud introduced the ideas of different levels of consciousness – with the conscious mind being the part of the mind which stores thoughts, memories and experiences that we can easily recall and what we employ when we are doing something difficult or learning something new.

The subconscious acts on the ‘next level down’, if you will. It stores experiences and reactions. Its job is to make your mental processing quicker and help you categorise new experiences quickly by overlaying past experiences and your past reaction to these.

A good example of the conscious vs subconscious is that of learning to drive. When you start learning, you need your conscious mind to constantly remind you how to do it; when to change gear, how to steer, how to control the pedals, etc. However, once you have been driving for a while and all of the processes of driving becomes habit, then the subconscious takes over. This leaves the conscious to do what it wants - listen to the radio, have a conversation, decide on weekend plans or daydream about your next holiday!

The mind is truly amazing…however, it is also incredibly lazy.

The mind is lazy!

The mind can be incredibly lazy – whenever we experience something completely new, instead of treating it as such, our mind works to overlay the experience with something we are familiar with (Learn more about The Rules of Mind here )

The mind loves the familiar. It loves habits. It loves ‘the everyday’. Processing something new and reacting in an entirely different way every time would be exhausting, but unfortunately this ‘laziness’ can also have detrimental effects.

This is where the role of Rapid Transformational Therapy is revolutionary. It is likely that if you are suffering with a stress, anxiety or another health debilitating habit, then you are probably stuck in a cycle where your subconscious makes you react to many different events, experiences and circumstances in the same way. It overlays bad feelings and negative emotions on to fresh experiences, because it doesn’t know how else to interpret them and flooding the brain with ‘bad’ hormones. This is when the subconscious starts to affect the conscious mind and consequently your reactions to a given situation.

“Your only limitation is the one you set up in your own mind!”

Understanding limiting beliefs

For many of us, when we suffer with anxiety, stress or depression, there is a ‘common thread’ and a negative belief about ourselves. For some, it stems from a single experience and a reaction to it, which dictates many of their everyday experiences. These become limiting beliefs. Unfortunately, if you ask yourself what the experience or state that caused them was, you will not be able to answer concisely.

This is because the answer is stored in your subconscious and it is really hard to access without the right tools and guidance. Through RTT, we can finally access this vault of information. We can reveal what is feeding the negative thought cycles. The subconscious is not inaccessible, but without the time and space to centre ourselves and be focussed enough to go beneath the conscious and explore, it remains hidden.

Breaking free and forming new habits

By truly understanding how the mind works and exploring the subconscious, you can start to understand your habits, your limiting beliefs and any sense that you are not good enough or not capable. Importantly, you can understand where these thoughts are coming from and what is feeding these beliefs.

The next step is to ‘rewrite the subconscious’. The mind is lazy, so it needs lots of reinforcement to form new neural pathways and start reacting to certain events and experiences in a different way. It needs support to start reacting in a positive way, so that the ‘happy hormones’ can be released.

This is why following up an RTT session with 21 days of listening to a personal recording is so important. Using this easy, but effective, habit-forming technique, you can “retrain the mind” and start to ensure the subconscious feeds the conscious in a positive and more fulfilling way.

Ready to access your subconscious?

If I have piqued your interest and given you a small insight into something in your subconscious that may be affecting your potential, then do book a consultation call. Let’s explore it together.

Change your thinking. Change your life

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