Many people who suffer from stress, anxiety and depression manage the symptoms by regularly visiting a counsellor; this could be a referral through your doctor for CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) or by paying for private therapy yourself.
There’s no doubt that counselling will help you and its value should not be dismissed. But the path can be slow and not without pitfalls; the longevity may mean that you struggle to continue your therapy and therefore the problems and unhelpful habits that have been holding you back are never properly fixed.
If you’re currently considering counselling or are already seeing a counsellor here are three reasons why RTT should be a consideration. Lynda offers a free 20-minute online consultation which will allow you to understand the process and how RTT will help you.

Three reasons to consider RTT over traditional counselling
1) RTT is substantially faster acting compared with counselling
Counselling can take weeks, months, even years to solve the issues that hold you back from being the best version of yourself. Most of us live fast-paced lives and counselling can eat into our precious free/relaxation time.
RTT often takes one 2.5-hour session, but a maximum of three (either face-to-face or online),
followed by a 21-day listening therapy, which takes only 20 minutes per day to complete and you can do it anywhere.
RTT has been life-changing for Lara Goodall, a beauty therapist and business owner from Hampshire. Just one session of RTT helped her to cope with anxiety and depression. Lara is now much calmer, and her work/life balance is also much better and more manageable. Also read Amanda, Evelyn and Sian's stories
Within one month, RTT can transform your life. An aftercare service is also available. Lynda offers mindfulness workshops and monthly group mindfulness sessions in Hampshire which will help you further enhance, maintain and extend your learning about wellbeing on an everyday basis. These sessions are enjoyable, relaxing and enlightening.
2) Counselling doesn’t tap into your subconscious brain, RTT does.

You will more than likely recognise the iceberg image (above). It’s typically used to represent the concept that there’s usually a lot more going on underneath the surface than we can see above. And it’s a great metaphor for explaining the difference between counselling and RTT too.
Counselling is a talking-only therapy. You only engage your conscious brain when talking with a counsellor meaning you never get below the surface of the ‘visible iceberg’.
Unlike traditional counselling, RTT is different because it takes elements of CBT, NLP and Hypnotherapy which when combined, can be powerful and transformative and make a difference in many areas of your life.
Using this combination of therapies, RTT gets to work below the surface – in your subconscious brain - and helps to change unhelpful beliefs which may have been buried there for years – even as far back as childhood. It’s like unlocking a vault and can be very powerful for a variety of issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, phobias, habits like nail biting, eating issues and quitting smoking.
Watch this short video for a quick explanation of how RTT works - click here
3) RTT taps into your critical voice and helps you ditch it!
Our mind believes what we repeatedly tell ourselves and it loves familiarity.
In a world where people are constantly scrutinising each other through social media, low self-esteem and anxiety over appearance can be all-consuming.
Most people have a critical voice inside their heads which tells them: “I’m not good enough, I’m not skilful enough, I’m not pretty enough, I’m not attractive enough.”
If this voice was your ‘so-called’ friend, you would soon ditch them, so why do you continue to listen to it? Because it’s a habit.
Over the next few days, become aware of your critical voice. What’s it saying to you? Think how much better you would feel if you could ditch this negative language and replace it with positive affirmations.
Because RTT goes below the surface into your subconscious brain, you’ll quickly learn to silence your critical voice allowing positive and strong thoughts like “I am enough.”
If you are looking to overcome a challenge in your work or personal life, find out if RTT can help you. Arrange your free, no-obligation, 20-minute consultation with Lynda. Click here to book.
Want to know what an RTT session is like? Read more